Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.. We live at a time when divorce is common and acceptable in most Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can, at the same time, speak ill of me. This wonderful experience is certainly family friendly and necessary! Cub Scout Pack 222. January 2023 January 1 to January 8, 2023 January 8 to January 15, 2023 St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 11710 US Highway 64 Somerville, Tennessee 38068 901-465-8685 - Office 901-466-1645 - Fax When she arrived at the office building, even though the lot was large, she could Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Giving and receiving is the interplay of life. 1573 Elaine Rd Columbus, OH 43227 614-237-1671 Daily Office Hrs 9-1 Masses Monday & Thursday 9 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-20-2021, Revised St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-20-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-13-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-6-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-2-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-16-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-9-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-2 -2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-28-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-21-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-14-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-7-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-31-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-17-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-26-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-19-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-12-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-5-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-29-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-15-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-8-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-1-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-17-2022, -St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-16-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-9-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-2-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-26-2021, 2021 Advent and Christmas service dates and times, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-26-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-29-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-22-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-15-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-8-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-1-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-27-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-13-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-6-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-23-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-16-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-9-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-2-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-25-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-18-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-11-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-4-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-30-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-5-2020 (2), St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-28-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-21-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-14-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-7-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-31-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-24-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-17-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-10-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-3-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-25-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-18-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-11-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-4-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-30-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-23-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-16-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-9-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-2-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-26-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-19-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-12-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-5-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 03-31-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-2-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-04-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-07-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-02-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-26-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-19-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-12-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-05-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-17-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-10-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-03-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-27-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-20-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-13-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-6-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-7-2018, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-31-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin12-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-01-7, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-18-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-4-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-28-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-14-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-7-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-30-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin EASTER 4-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-09-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-02-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-17, March 12, 2015 Lenten Morning of Reflection. 2-19-23 Bulletin. 9:00 am & 11:00 am in English 1:00 pm in Spanish 4:00 pm Bilingual. Called to Serve is a show that is to remind how much Jesus loves us and how ordinary people love Jesus by answering the call to serve our Lord in every day ways Join us to celebrate Confirmation of our teens at 10:00am. You will be receiving tickets in the mail in mid February. Friday 8:30 am; 3:30 & 7:30 pm First, biological science and objective reality were trashed as internal feelings came to Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, It is sometimes said that the Ten Commandments are the heart of the Jewish-Christian tradition and that following the Ten Commandments is the way of faith. We embrace discipleship as a way of life receiving the gifts God has given us and making a grateful return to Him by the way that we use these gifts. 2023 The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a corp. sole. Bulletins; Other Ministries; Join Us; Pastoral History; Online Giving; St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Bulletins. So, throughout the centuries writers and artists have struggled to come up with an adequate image to represent the Spirit. St. Philip Neri Catholic School 6600 Kawanee Avenue | Metairie, LA 70003 Phone (504) 887-5600 Fax (504) 456-6857 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY We pray you find St. Philip Neri Church a warm, welcoming home and a place where you can deepen your faith and become a part of our Catholic faith community. Ask for Him to open your mind and heart to His will and renew your commitment to the actions of Giving, Praying and Serving. Completing the form is only required for the Children currently being prepared in the English 2023 1st Communion program. Price $12.00 for adult, $ 6.00 for child plate. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. Confession: A Waterfall of Grace Fr. 513.899.3601 | Fax: 513.899.3785 . Once again, the Knights of Columbus of St. Philip and St. Clare thank everybody for their generous support! Fr. If you would like to reach the nearly 30,000 households that subscribe to Rhode Island Catholic, please call 401.272.1010. To access Church Bulletins, click on Bulletin button. In my own family, my younger sister Michele, died at the age of 11 after a long illness Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: As we begin the unofficial end of summer weekend, our thoughts turn to school, homework and hopefully a return to "normal." Saint Vincent dePaul is sponsoring a food drive this Lenten season. I officially started at Saint Philip Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Today's gospelseems harsh and demanding. To place a flyer or information within the bulletin of upcoming parish activities or events that will take place within the parish, please e-mail Melissa Langlois at Kick-off is 7:30pm. The Mens Club Annual Fish Fry is March 31st. Donations of non-perishable food will be accepted from Feb 25 through March 12. 292 Munn Road East Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: 803.548.7282, Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM,9:30 AM,11:30 AM,5:30 PM (Contemporary Music) Daily Mass: 9:30 AM, Monday-Friday. Lenten Parish & Youth Mission: March 13th to March 15th with Father David Engo. Sunday (live streamed) 9:00 am . St. Philip Apostle Catholic Church, Statesville, NC. Bulletin; Organizations. 591 Flint River Rd, Jonesboro, GA 30238, United States of America, Children's Evangelization and Discipleship (PreK4-8th Grade). These confession times are are in addition to parishes' regularly scheduled or by-appointment confessions. This email address is being protected from spambots. Yet, we can sometimes think that the best way to love a person is to change them, especially from the wrong that they are doing, or the hurt that they are causing. Ethics Point; Walking with Moms in Need. Help save lives by praying and fasting to end the injustice of abortion during one or more days of the 40 Days for Life spring campaign, February 22-April 2. The Chosen Series Pilot Episode Showing Sunday March 12, 7pm in St Philips Hall. First, it associates God with violence. Normally, we go about life in a fairly routine way. For whoever is not against us Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Grief comes boxed in many different packages. But I must admit that the trap probably worked better at the time of Jesus than it does today. : fish, macaroni and cheese, and baked beans with corn bread. Polish (TBD) (Please call the Parish Office) Syro-Malabar 12:30 pm Eggs have been associated with Easter from the earliest days of Christianity. There is always need. Second Sunday of Lent "Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at our security, and as a consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan who bent Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, There is an ancient legend that on the day of Jesus resurrection, the devil, who is a master of disguise, attempted to get into heaven by pretending to be Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, In recent years, transgender ideologues have mounted a cultural offensive that swept all rationality before them. The menu includes: fish, macaroni and cheese, and baked beans with corn bread. There is no God Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: I believe it was Winston Churchill who said, "Democracy is a terrible form of government." var addy2391 = 'terps201' + '@'; var prefix = 'mailto:'; Respect Life. We would like to invite you to contact the parish office at 714.525.2500. to see about serving during Mass as an altar server. The word assumption comes from the Latin word Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Imagine if you were to never grow hungry or never thirst again? View and download our monthly Philipian newsletter. It is Pauls famous hymn to love from first Corinthians. Vigil Mass. But it is difficult to spot because of the English translation of the Greek text of the scriptures. Clergy Team. But it is a lesson that Read More, A CHILD IS BORN CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF CHRIST FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: Todays gospel is the only place in the New Testament where we see Jesus as a teenager. Home Weekly Bulletins Weekly Bulletins Written by St. Philip | 15 November 2009 If you would like to have the bulletin emailed to you: Go to, click subscribe, enter your email address. But such a Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Jesus throws out this image right at the beginning of todays gospel. St Philip Pastoral Plan; Safe Environments; Saint Philip Artists Guild; Ministries . Please be patient. The stories are brief and unadorned. Copyright 2020 Saint Philip Neri Church | Managed by. September 2023 . View our full schedule of Masses, and reconciliation/ confession times. Sacred Heart Catholic Church 4040 Nelthorpe Street, Victoria, BC V8X 2A1 250-479-1611 | | LITURGICAL YEAR A WEEKENDS . Also available by appointment. One of the reasons I enjoyed the Games so much was that Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: A priest was giving a homily on heaven and hell. var addy3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 = 'office' + '@'; Join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday Evening at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary beginning February 24th through March 31st and Good Friday, April 7th. . **For advertisement on the back page of the bulletin, please contact Sheena LeBron at Youth Ministry Upcoming Events & Information. In fact, we can distinguish Read More, Feast of Christ the King FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Today we proclaim Jesus as savior of the world, as our king. Christ is lifted up through the clouds to take a seat at Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: In todays gospel Jesus continues to speak reassuring words about love. RCIA . Saints Philip and James Catholic Church 2801 N. Charles St. . How are Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, One of the greatest gifts my mom and dad ever gave to me was the gift of a Roman Catholic education. Liturgy. Bingo. 4:00 pm Bilingual. Stay connected. Please check the latest parish bulletin for any changes to the above schedule! I imagine that many of you Read More, FOURTH SUNDAY of Advent FROM FATHER NICO A two-year-old boy asks his father, "how are you related to my favorite uncle Bob?" It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. The Mens Club Annual Fish Fry is March 31st. August 2023 . Is your child interested in becoming an altar server? Jesus asks Read More, SECOND SUNDAY of Advent FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, "It's not over until the fat lady sings." 622 Putnam Pike Greenville, RI 02828P: (401) More details to come! The Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: I think all of us have in our minds a picture of the Ascension of Jesus. FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: You may have heard a beautiful Latin chant after the Communion hymn being Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: There is a powerful lesson in today's Gospel.